Symbolically I want to start my blog with a Cambodian family with whom we spent our first 3 months in Canada. Both our families moved to Halifax 2 years ago, almost on the same freezing day in February, 2016.

We rented a house on Mumford road and everyday during a dinner we shared our excitement, confusion, joy and fear of being in a new country. We had nobody else here and we tried to stick together as frightened kittens. Everyday we had some new experience and adventures like how to use the public transport, which cell provider to choose, where is better to buy groceries and other small daily stuff which doesn’t seem so simple and small for a newcomer. Let along the fact that the guys arrived from a super warm country and this change of climate was huge for them. I remember how amazed I was watching them sitting hours by the window in awe during our first snow storm.

A lot of things have happened since then - we moved to Moncton and settled here, they had a beautiful baby girl and stayed in Halifax.

When they asked me to photograph three of them, I was more than happy. They came to Moncton to have their family and cake smash session. We strolled down Moncton streets, along the Petitcodiac River, visited Shediac's Giant Lobster and had an ice cream there. That day was a blast!
Having a baby is a really huge milestone in their life and they trusted me, as their photographer and friend, to document their sweetest moments as a growing family. I am so grateful for that!
